The DLC adds a new property, the Arena workshop. Minimum price is $995,000 with no upgrades. A fully upgraded workshop will cost $4,365,000.

A workshop is required to unlock Arena War rewards and upgrade vehicles. You can still participate in Arena War modes without a workshop but you will be stuck using the default vehicles with no weapons.

2x RP/$ Rewards:

  • All Arena Wars series modes

Arena War

Upgradeable Vehicles:

These are stock cars that can be upgraded to battle in the Arena Wars.

  • Rat Truck - $37,500
  • Glendale - $200,000
  • Slamvan - $49,500
  • Dominator - $35,000
  • Impaler - $331,835
  • Issi Classic - $360,000

Arena Ready Vehicles:

These are already upgraded and ready for battle.

  • Cerberus - $3,870,300
  • Brutus - $2,666,650
  • Scarab - $3,076,290
  • Imperator - $2,284,940
  • ZR380 - $2,138,640